TEF Canada and Quebec
TEF Canada (French Evaluation Test) is an instrument of international standard used to assess the level of people wishing to emigrate to Canada. The test is designed, distributed and administered by the CCIP (Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris). Inflexyon French examination centre in Lyon holds approximately five TEF Canada exam session each year.
If you would like to move to Canada and you need to apply for a visa, you might need to pass a French language test. TEF Canada is specially designed for this purpose and can enable you to get up to 24 points for your French language skills. The higher your level is, the more points you will get. It is recommended to get at least C1 level.
TEF Canada is also accepted by Quebec immigration authorities. However, the conditions are slightly different for Quebec immigration, they can be found on Quebec Ministry for Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion (MIDI) website.
TEF Canada consists of 4 parts:
- oral comprehension
- oral expression
- written comprehension
- written expression
It is usually not obligatory to sit all the 4 parts, but it is strongly recommended. All the parts should be taken on the same day.
Inflexyon French examination centre in Lyon holds approximately 5 TEF Canada sessions per year. If the dates of our sessions are not convenient for you, on-request TEF Canada session can be organised for you.
TEF Canada in Lyon – dates, prices and registration
For more details concerning the visa application for Canada, you can visit Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website.
French Intercultural Center of Lyon
48, rue Quivogne69002 Lyon FRANCE
For any further information regarding the TEF Examination Center, contact us!